Who are the Haug's and when did Elite Health start?
We are essentially 2nd and 3rd generation life long Williston residents and now our kids have grown up here too. We love this town; and with our backgrounds, we wanted to create a business that "helped" our community. We feel at Elite, with all of our services, we can help any age across a number of different categories.
What is the mission of Elite Health & Fitness?
We created Elite Health as a place where people can come to get healthy. Whether its rehabilitation through PT or cardio/weight loss improvement, getting stronger or just a simple walk on a cold morning...we wanted multiple options for any and all.
What are the core values of your business?
Honesty, Integrity...really we wanted a business that evolved as Williston evolved, but continued to resemble the Williston of old. The small town community atmosphere...more than just an 8 to 5.
What is in store for Williston and Elite Health in the future?
Improvements and Upgrades. We have painted. We have changed the floors. We have added cardio and weight room equipment. We partnered with Deja Brew. We are looking at things like infra-red saunas and an in house store for snacks and apparel. We continue to look for ways to bring more value to our customers. And we love feedback, so bring it!